【同义词辨析】 2018-07-23 感知perceptible-ponderable

perceptible: applies to what can be discerned, often to a minimum extent, by the senses: a ~ difference in sound.

sensible: applies to what is clearly apprehended through the senses or impresses itself strongly on the mind: a ~ change in weather.  (apprehend 2个意思: 1逮捕抓获Police have not apprehended her killer警察还未抓获谋杀她的凶手; 2完全理解Only now can I begin to apprehend the power of these forces直到现在我才理解它们的力量)

palpable: applies either to what has physical substance OR to what is obvious and unmistakable: the tension in the air was almost ~. (obvious明显: conspicuousness in the thing and no need for perspicacity in the observer事情清楚不需敏锐观察his motive is obvious to all but the most obtuse他动机明显)

tangible: suggests what can be handled or grasped either physically or mentally: submitted the gun as ~ evidence.

appreciable: applies to what is distinctly discernible by the senses or definitely measurable: an ~ increase in temperature. (distinct==clearly different区别明显, definite=clear,unmistakable明显)

ponderable: suggests having definitely measurable weight or importance especially as distinguished from what is so intangible as to elude such determination: exerted a ~ influence on world affairs. (注意不要用成ponderous笨重)

perceptible可感觉: 能被人的感官所观察到(discern观察到微小事物),但往往是最小程度,sensible明显感觉: 明显强烈的感觉(apprehend抓获完全理解)和印象,palpable也是明显感觉: 或表示物理存在或表示明显无误,tangible真实明确: 物理上思维上握住抓住的,appreciable明显的: 能清楚明显观察衡量,ponderable重要的: 有明显的重量重要性

记忆方法: 1)首字母3P SAT三人去高考感觉压力实在大<==感知

         2)感知的意思是真实可以抓住或理解mean apprehensible as real or existent.